Track 2 – New work – workshop
delve deeper into the topic in this interactive practical workshop
Track 1 – Women’s rights are human rights – workshop
delve deeper into the topic in this interactive practical workshop
Track 4 – Remaining at the top
They have shattered glass ceilings, overcome bias, put in more work and hours than everyone else to reach their goals. Now, how do these women...Read More
Track 3 – Microaggressions and micro-discriminations
Eliminating microaggressions as a way to achieve gender equality in the legal professions. Microaggressions are oftentimes unintentional, subtle, casual, everyday behaviors and interactions that communicate...Read More
Track 2 – New work
digitization, automation, AI, work-life-blending, collaboration, remote work, agility – Quo vadis, (women* in the) legal professions? How will we shape the future of work in...Read More
Track 1 – Women’s rights are human rights
The importance of international treaties for the protection and global advancement of women with a special focus on the Istanbul Convention and CEDAW. Why are...Read More
Alma Zadić, Minister of Justice, Republic of Austria
Young voices panel
The future is female – how will the next generation of women* in law shape the legal professions? What dreams and visions do young women*...Read More
Reducing the Gender Pay Gap
Why should the legal professions care? How is economic gender disparity hurting the legal professions? Even in the legal professions, women* still earn less than...Read More