The Women in Law Conference | Vienna | September 11-13, 2025

Kathrin Proprentner

Kathrin Proprentner


Kathrin Proprentner is a partner at Crowe SOT in Austria and is responsible for auditing. She is certified as an ESG Expert and is developing the business area of auditing sustainability reports of medium-sized companies. In addition to her practical work, she contributes to the further development of the profession as a member of specialist working groups of the Crowe Global network and national specialist committees. Her current focus is on preparing companies that are subject to CSRD for the first time for the new challenges in order to gradually assess the audit readiness of the relevant processes and documentation.

With each other – for each other. Women in Law is an initiative that aims to do just that in the legal profession. Equality in every respect, but of course also between the genders, is necessary – it is about the distribution of resources, money and power – somethingthat female lawyers fight for every day, both for themselves and for their clients.

photo ©kathrinproprentner

All sessions by Kathrin Proprentner

Track 4: ESG & SDGs

Sep. 13, 2024
1:40 pm - 3:05 pm
Auditorium 13