The Women in Law Conference | Vienna | September 11-13, 2025

Kholofelo Kugler

Kholofelo Kugler

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Kholofelo Kugler, Counsel at the Advisory Centre on WTO Law, PhD Fellow at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland. Kholofelo is an international trade law and policy expert who uses her knowledge to support developing countries and LDCs, particularly in Africa, to navigate trade law and policy issues.

The face of law has changed a lot over the years but the world culture has not. The highest strata of law remains an untransformed Boys‘ Club that tolerates women exceptionally. We need to change the culture of lawyering and stop being proud of being considered heartless. Advancing opportunities for women in law and reflecting the reality of who is really in the trenches at the top will go a long way to improving the profession and empowering women in law.