The Women in Law Conference | Vienna | September 11-13, 2025

Mehwish Muhib Kakakhel

Mehwish Muhib Kakakhel

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Mehwish Muhib Kakakhel is Partner Kakakhel Law Associates, the first ever female Partner of any law firm & is the only qualified cyber crimes expert in Pakistan. She is KP Lead Women in Law Network. She is member of the Special Committee Anti Rape act. She was the first women lawyer who contested election on the key seat despite many challenges. she has encouraged women to join legal profession & have worked tirelessly to empower them. She has initiated probono lawyers & prisoners support network.

Women in legal profession can do miracles if given the right opportunity at the right time. My women in law network KP has witnessed this in our Mentor-Mentee program- journeries of women lawyers from no body to successful litigators. All that we need is confidence, encouragement and few cases to start our career. WIL networks is a gateway to our success as we refer cases, opportunities to one another from different districts. I call it women supporting women network in the legal profession.