The Women in Law Conference | Vienna | September 12-14, 2024

Shoura Zehetner-Hashemi

Shoura Zehetner-Hashemi


Shoura Hashemi, lawyer, in the diplomatic service of the Foreign Ministry in Vienna from 2008 to 2023. She was born in 1982 in Mashhad, Iran, and spent the first years of her life in hiding with her politically active parents. The family fled to Austria in 1987. From September 2022, she documented the events in the context of the „Women, Life, Freedom“ protest movement in Iran. Since August 1 2023, she has been a member of the Executive Board of Amnesty International Austria.

If the legal system is unable to deliver justice, the population loses confidence in its ability to protect their rights. By fighting impunity and ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable, human rights defenders can restore confidence in the legal system. Initiatives such as Women in Law make our work visible.

photo ©zehetnerhashemi